1. How to connect to Sendgrid?
You can follow the following steps to build a connection with your Sendgrid. If you need any helps to set up your integration, please contact us.
1. Go to the Resources page and click the Add Resource button.
2. In the "Select a data source" step, select Sendgrid under Apps.
3. In the "Configure the data source" step, enter the following information:
Start Date (UTC)
: Retrieve data from a specific date and time. The date should be defined in UTC date and time, such as 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z.API Token
: The value of the API token generated. See here to get an API token.
4. In the "Select the tables", choose tables that you want to connect. See here for more details on each table.
2. How to get Sendgrid API key?
1. Log into your Sendgrid account, navigate to Settings on the left navigation bar, and then select API Keys.
2. Click Create API Key.
3. Give your API key a name and select Restricted Access with the following permission:
Read-only access to all resources
Full access to marketing resources
4. Click Create & View.
5. Copy your API key and save it somewhere safe. (You will only be shown your API key one time. Please store it somewhere safe as we will not be able to retrieve or restore it.)
3. How to set up Data Sync?
Acho supports creating schedulers to retrieve the latest data from your Sendgrid account at a certain time interval. To see more details, you can visit here.
4. Available Tables
The Blocks table allows you to retrieve all email addresses that are currently on your blocks list. Generally, blocks happen when your email is rejected because of an issue with the message itself rather than an issue with the recipient's address.
The table retrieves all of your bounced emails. An email is considered bounced when the message is undeliverable and then returned to the server that sent it. Bounced emails can be either permanent or temporary failures to deliver the message.
Global Suppressions (Global unsubscriptions)
This table retrieves a list of emails in the global suppressions (unsubscrptions) group. A global suppression is an email address of a recipient who does not want to receive any of your messages. A globally suppressed recipient will be removed from any email you send.
Lists are static collections of Marketing Campaigns contacts.
Invalid Emails
The table retrieves a list of all invalid email addresses. An invalid email occurs when you attempt to send email to an address that is formatted in a manner that does not meet internet email format standards (such as addresses without the “@” sign) or the email does not exist at the recipient’s mail server.
This table allows you to retrieve information for all segments. Segments are similar to contact lists, except they update dynamically over time as information stored about your contacts or the criteria used to define your segments changes. When you segment your audience, you are able to create personalized Automation emails and Single Sends that directly address the wants and needs of your particular audience.
Stats Automations
Spam Reports
This table retrieves all spam reports. Spam Reports are triggered when a recipient marks one of your emails as spam. Spam reports can only be gathered from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that provide a feedback loop.
Suppression Group Members
This table retrieves all suppressed email addresses and their suppression groups. Suppressions are recipient email addresses that are added to unsubscribe groups. Once a recipient's address is on the suppressions list for an unsubscribe group, they will not receive any emails that are tagged with that unsubscribe group.
Suppression Groups
Suppression groups, or unsubscribe groups, are specific types or categories of emails from which you would like your recipients to be able to unsubscribe. For example: Daily Newsletters, Invoices, and System Alerts are all potential suppression groups. This table retrieves information for all of your suppression groups.
This endpoint allows you to create a transactional template. An HTML template that can establish a consistent design for transactional emails. Transactional templates are templates created specifically for transactional email and are not to be confused with Marketing Campaigns designs.
Last updated