
1. How to connect to Greenhouse?

You can follow the following steps to build a connection with your Greenhouse. If you need any helps to set up your integration, please contact us.

1. Go to the Resources page and click the Add Resource button.

2. In the "Select a data source" step, select Greehouse under Apps.

3. In the "Configure the data source" step, enter the following information:

  • API Key: The value of the API key generated. See here to get an access token.

4. In the "Select the tables", choose tables that you want to connect. See here for more details on each table.

2. How to generate an API key for Greenhouse?

1. Go to the Dev Center in Greenhouse

2. Click API Credential Management, then click Manage Permissions next to your Harvest API Key. From there, check or uncheck permissions for any endpoints.

3. How to set up Data Sync?

Acho supports creating schedulers to retrieve the latest data from your Drift account at a certain time interval. To see more details, you can visit here.

4. Available Tables

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