Copy a table tab

You can copy a table on Acho Studio. This copy feature allows you to copy a table to the same project or to another project. You can find the Copy button in the dropdown menu of the table tab.

Copy a table in the same project

  1. Click the Copy button.

  2. Choose Copy to this project. You can choose whether to copy the pipeline as well.

  3. Click Copy

  4. The copied table will show at the last of the table tabs and its name has a suffix of "_copy".

Copy a table to another project

  1. Click the Copy button.

  2. Choose Copy to another project. Note that it currently cannot copy a table with a pipeline to another project.

  3. Click Copy

  4. The copied table will show at the last of the table tabs and its name has a suffix of "_copy".

With pipeline vs without pipeline

When copying a table to the current project, you can choose whether to copy the pipeline as well. The pipeline represents your edit history in the original table. If you choose to copy a table with the pipeline, it means that you want to keep the pipeline in the copied table. Otherwise, the copied table will start a new pipeline that is separate from the original pipeline.

Take the below graph as an example. Suppose you copy the us_counties table to the current project twice. The one is with the pipeline, and the other one is without the pipeline. As you can see, you can see the trail of the "with pipeline" table, whereas it is empty below the "w/o pipeline" table.

When to copy a table with a pipeline?

If you want to set up Data Sync in your copied table, you have to copy the pipeline as well.

Last updated