
Connect to Marketo

2. Select Marketo.

3. Enter your account credentials and click Connect.

Step 1: (Optional) whitelist Acho's IP address

If you don't have IP Restriction enabled in Marketo, skip this step.

If you have IP Restriction enabled in Marketo, you'll need to whitelist the Acho's service IP address Whitelist it by following the Marketo documentation for allowlisting IP addresses for API based access.

Step 2: Create an API-only Marketo User Role

Follow the Marketo documentation for creating an API-only Marketo User Role.

Step 3: Create an Acho Marketo API-only user

Follow the Marketo documentation to create an API only user

Step 4: Create a Marketo API custom service

Follow the Marketo documentation for creating a custom service for use with a REST API.

Make sure to follow the "Credentials for API Access" section in the Marketo docs to generate a Client ID and Client Secret. Once generated, copy those credentials and keep them handy for use in the Acho UI later.

Step 5: Obtain your Endpoint and Identity URLs provided by Marketo

Follow the Marketo documentation for obtaining your base URL. Specifically, copy your Endpoint without "/rest" and keep them handy for use in the Acho UI.

4. Choose tables to import and click Finish Setup.

Supported table

  • activities_X where X is an activity type contains information about lead activities of the type X. For example, activities_send_email contains information about lead activities related to the activity type send_email. See the Marketo docs for a detailed explanation of what each column means.

  • activity_types. Contains metadata about activity types. See the Marketo docs for a detailed explanation of columns.

  • campaigns. Contains info about your Marketo campaigns. Marketo docs.

  • leads. Contains info about your Marketo leads. Marketo docs.

  • lists. Contains info about your Marketo static lists. Marketo docs.

  • programs. Contins info about your Marketo programs. Marketo docs.

Last updated