1. Connect to Instagram
2. Select Instagram.
3. Enter your account credentials and click Connect.
Start Date (UTC)
Access Token (Visit here to get the access token
4. Choose tables to import and click Finish Setup.
2. Get Access Token from Instagram
A Facebook App
An Instagram Business Account
A Facebook Page linked to your Instagram Business Account
A Facebook API Access Token
Setup guide
1. Facebook App (Skip this step if you already have a Facebook App)
Visit the Facebook Developers App hub and create an App and choose "Manage Business Integrations" as the purpose of the app. Fill out the remaining fields to create your app.
2. Facebook Page
See the Facebook support for information about how to add an Instagram Account to your Facebook Page.
3. Instagram Business Account
Follow the Instagram documentation for setting up an Instagram business account.
4. API Access Token
To work with the Instagram connector, you need to generate an Access Token with the following permissions:
More details of how to get a User's Access Token you can find in the following docs: Access Tokens and User and Page Access Tokens
3. Available Tables
Last updated