
1. How to connect to MongoDB?

Acho allows you to connect to MongoDB database. You can follow the steps below to set up the connection. Go to the Resources page and click the Add Resource button

2. In the "Select a data source" step, select MongoDB under the Database tab

3. In the "Configure the data source" step, enter your database login credentials:

  • Database: your database name.

  • User: the username used for connecting to your database.

  • Password: the password used for authenticating the connection.

  • TLS Connection: whether to use TLS connection.

  • Authentication Source: specifies the database that the supplied credentials should be validated against. The default value is "admin".

  • MongoDb Instance Type: Acho supports three instance types:

    • Standalone MongoDB instance

      • Host: URL of the database

      • Port: Port to use for connecting to the database

    • Replica Set

      • Server addresses: the members of a replica set

      • Replica Set: A replica set name

    • MongoDB Atlas Cluster: it can be a little tricky if you are not familiar with MongoDB's connection string. Here is an example breaking down components in a MongoDB SRV connection string:

      • Database: db-name

      • User: username

      • Password: password

      • Cluster URL: URL of a cluster to connect to ( in this example)

Note: remember to add Acho's IP address,, to your whitelist before starting the connection.

4. In the "Select the tables", choose tables that you want to import.

2. How to set up Data Sync?

Acho supports creating schedulers to retrieve the latest data from your database at a certain time interval. To see more details, you can visit here.

3. How to add Acho's IP into your whitelist?

You should whitelist our service IP address . This way we can make a connection to your database and import the tables to Acho Studio. Here is how you can whitelist Acho's service IP address for your database instance. (Take MongoDB Atlas as an example).

1. Go to your MongoDB Atlas and navigate to Network Access

2. Click on ADD IP ADDRESS, and enter in Access List Entry as shown below

If you need to input an IP range, just enter35.239.14.244

3. Click Confirm

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