
NetSuite account setup

  1. Realm Go to Setup --> Company --> Company Information to copy your Account ID. It will look like 1234567 if you use the regular account or 1234567_SB2 if it is a Sandbox.

  2. Consumer Key and Consumer Secret 1. Setup --> Company --> Enable Features and click on SuiteCloud tab. 2. Scroll down to the Manage Authentication section. 3. Enable TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION and REST WEB SERVICES. 4. You will see Consumer Key and Consumer Secret now.

  3. Setup Role and User 1. Setup --> Users/Roles --> Manage Roles --> New 2. Create a new role, and you need to select manually each record on the selection lists and give at least Read-only level access on the tabs: Permissions, Reports, Lists, Setup, Custom Records. 3. Setup --> Users/Roles --> Manage Users 4. Select the user you want to use and edit it. Select the role you just created under Access tab.

  4. Access Token ID and Secret 1. Setup --> Users/Roles --> Access Tokens --> New 2. Select an application and select the user under User. 3. After saving your changes, you will see Access Token ID and Secret

Connect to NetSuite

  1. Select NetSuite.

  2. Enter your account credentials and click Connect.

  3. Choose tables to import and click Finish Setup.

Last updated