SQL Editor

Acho Team understands that sometimes the desired data transformation action to be performed is just too complex or inefficient to be done via a sequence of available actions. This is why Acho offers a SQL editor to allow our advanced users proficient in SQL to have the flexibility to perform more advanced actions. The SQL Editor on Acho supports standard SQL syntax and functions.


  1. The SQL Editor does not support line-level execution. That is, everything in the editor will be executed all at once. Therefore, please make sure to include a semicolon ; at the end of the query and not to have empty lines after the semicolon ;. Also, the SQL Editor cannot include more than two queries at a time, that is, more than two semicolons ;.

  2. All table names must have a prefix of SQL_EDITOR_ and a suffix of _TABLE.

  3. When using the JOIN or UNION statements, you have to import all needed tables into the project first. The SQL Editor can only access tables within the current project.

  4. when using the JOIN statement, if there are two columns with the same name, the query will run into an error. join a table to itself. For example, if you join a table to itself (that is SELF JOIN) and select all columns, then an error occurs due to duplicate column names.

LEFT JOIN us_states AS B
ON A.state_name = B.state_name 

You have can change your query like the following.

SELECT A.state_name AS state_name, B.state_name AS state 
LEFT JOIN us_states AS B
ON A.state_name = B.state_name 

Learn more supported SQL queries:

SQL Editor QueriesAll functions in Formula/SQL

Last updated